HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3)
The international production house HAU Hebbel am Ufer presents, under the artistic direction and management of Annemie Vanackere, contemporary artistic positions that explore the intersection of theatre, dance, and performance. In addition, music, visual arts, and theoretically oriented discursive events are core components of the diverse program. Instead of relying on a permanent ensemble, HAU does not only develop, but also presents international co-productions, festivals, and projects realized within and beyond Berlin’s international dance and theatre scene. Since 2013, HAU Hebbel am Ufer has, for instance, been solely responsible for organizing the “Tanz im August” festival. Crucial cornerstones of the program are a contemporary repertoire including renowned classics as well as festivals highlighting current themes.

U Hallesches Tor & Möckernbrücke
S1 & S2 Haltestelle Anhalter Bahnhof
Bus M41, M29, 123, & 265